A blockchain is an innovative type of database, immutable ledger technology which is encompassed in the nodes of a computer network. It can record transactions, track assets and build trust. It is more known because of their important role in cryptocurrency like bitcoin.
Block chain stores the information in blocks and each block’s data is linked with the other blocks.
The blockchain is a specific kind of database that varies from other databases in that it stores data in blocks that are subsequently connected via cryptography.
Since independent blockchains are unchangeable, the data entered into them cannot be changed. This indicates that transactions performed using Bitcoin are visible to the public and permanently recorded.
Blockchain maintains a variety of information types, but the ledger for transactions is the most frequent data type maintained there.

Blockchain Decentralization

One of the fundamental concepts underlying blockchain technology is decentralization. The chain cannot be controlled by a single computer or thing. Instead, through the network’s chain of nodes, it works as a distributed ledger. A blockchain node can be any form of electronic equipment that maintains copies of the chain and powers the network.
This preserves the accuracy of the data stored there and increases redundancy; for instance, if a record is attempted to be modified at one database instance, This prevents a hostile attacker from changing the other nodes. By cross-referencing one another, all other nodes would be able to quickly identify the person who tampered with Bitcoin’s transaction history. This method helps to produce a precise and clear chain of events. As a result, node changes to the network’s data are prohibited.

Use of Blockchain Application in Different Domain

  • Financial exchanges
  • Real estate
  • Logistics and supply chain tracking
  • Government 
  • Health care 

Logistics and Supplychain Tracking

Using blockchain technology to track items as they move through a logistics or supply chain network has a number of advantages.
Data is available on a safe public ledger, which makes it easier for partners to communicate.
The blockchain provides improved security and data integrity since data on it cannot be altered.

Financial Exchanges

Over the last few years, different firms have emerged offering decentralised bitcoin exchanges. Blockchain exchanges enable quicker and much more affordable transactions. Furthermore, investors enjoy more control and security with a decentralised exchange because they are not required to deposit their money with the centralised authority. Although cryptocurrency is the core business on blockchain-based exchanges, the idea might also be used for more typical investments.

Real Estate

In order to transfer rights and titles to new owners after real estate transactions, a huge amount of paperwork is needed to verify ownership and financial information. Blockchain technology can be used to record real estate transactions, making ownership and transfer more transparent and secure.That might quicken processes, lessen paperwork, and generate savings.


I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In order to store the patient’s medical record securely, healthcare providers can use the blockchain technology and because of the ability to write a medical record onto the blockchain, patients are assured that the record cannot be changed because it has been generated and signed. In order to protect the privacy of these private health records, they might be encrypted and stored on the blockchain with a secret key.


For the management of governmental benefits like welfare programmes, Social Security, and Medicare, digital identities maintained on a blockchain are also used. Blockchain technology has the ability to lower operating expenses and fraud. Beneficiaries can receive payments more swiftly in the interim thanks to blockchain-based digital disbursement.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology

No doubt block chain is solving many problems and applying on different domain to make the process easier and more secure but it have their own advantages and disadvantages like:

Eliminating  the third party involvement High operating cost
Reducing the risk of fraud and relieving from the long process of work  Take longer time while transaction or the updation of new data
Reduce the cost and can securely store the data. Can’t upgraded easily
Maintain transparency Regulations by jurisdiction
Save from hackers History of the dark web.


Conclusion (Final Word)

In conclusion, A blockchain is an innovative type of database, immutable ledger technology. Blockchain is at last making a title for itself in no little portion since bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It helps the different sectors in terms of transparency, security and in many more ways.And in the future we will see the major involvement of blockchain in our daily life.

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